Initiativen des Börsenvereins und der Stiftung Buchkultur und Leseförderung des Börsenvereins

Eine Übersicht der Projekt-Webseiten des Börsenvereins des Deutschen Buchhandels und der Stiftung Buchkultur und Leseförderung des Börsenvereins des Deutschen Buchhandels.


German Non-Fiction Prize 2024: 115 publishers submit 191 titles

Stefan Koldehoff is appointed jury spokesperson / Award ceremony to be held on 11 June 2024 in the Small Hall of the Elbphilharmonie concert hall in Hamburg


Buchmarkt 2023: Positive Umsatzbilanz in herausfordernden Zeiten

Umsatz in zentralen Vertriebswegen gegenüber 2022 um 2,9 Prozent gestiegen, Absatz jedoch um 1,9 Prozent gesunken / Belletristik mit starken Zuwächsen / Buchhandlungen und Verlage weiter unter Druck


Book market 2023: Positive turnover results in challenging times

Increase in turnover of 2.9 per cent across central sales channels compared to 2022, however sales fell by 1.9 per cent / Strong growth for fiction / Bookstores and publishing houses remain under pressure


German Non-Fiction Prize 2024: the jury has been selected

Seven jury members nominated / Publishers can register titles until 17 November 2023 / Call for submissions on

© Tobias Bohm

Salman Rushdie awarded the 2023 Peace Prize of the German Book Trade

Rushdie: "Peace, right now, feels like a fantasy born of a narcotic smoked in a pipe"

© Christof Jakob

CONTENTshift Accelerator: GoLexic is the Content Startup of 2023

First place awarded to reading support app GoLexic / Winner receives the innovation prize of 10,000 euro / Sponsorship programme for startups to be continued in 2024 / Companies from the industry can sponsor the programme and take up a place on the jury


Start of Frankfurter Buchmesse: “Promoting Diversity – Defending Democracy”

Opening of the Frankfurt Book Fair 2023 / Book industry’s aim to play a role in strengthening democracy / Small publishing houses in particular at their limit due to economic pressure - structural support urgently needed to maintain diversity on the book

© Christof Jakob

Tonio Schachinger receives the German Book Prize 2023 for “Echtzeitalter”

Tonio Schachinger has won the German Book Prize for his novel “Echtzeitalter” (“Realtimes”) (Rowohlt Verlag).


German Book Prize 2023: discover the shortlist – experience the award ceremony

Livestream on 16 October from 6 p.m. / all books on the shortlist accessible to all


Ukraine at Frankfurter Buchmesse: "The Fragility of Existence"

200-sqm country stand / Programme featuring renowned Ukrainian authors / Illustration exhibition and multimedia projects