Initiativen des Börsenvereins und der Stiftung Buchkultur und Leseförderung des Börsenvereins

Eine Übersicht der Projekt-Webseiten des Börsenvereins des Deutschen Buchhandels und der Stiftung Buchkultur und Leseförderung des Börsenvereins des Deutschen Buchhandels.


Ask the Expert – Webinar

The new accessibility features of Adobe InDesign
11. September 2024


Zoom Webinar (Bitte um Registrierung)


11. September 2024
16-17 Uhr

In the recent update of InDesign, new accessibility features were introduced in the export of EPUBs, thanks to the joint work of the Accessible EPUB From InDesign expert group. This event will allow participants to learn more about these new features and ask questions to Gregorio Pellegrino, Chief Accessibility Officer of Fondazione LIA and member of the Accessible EPUB From InDesign expert group.

register to the webinar here

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Next APACE Ask the Expert sessions 

  • 24 September 2024. Topic: accessibility features in mainstream ebooks
  • December 2024
  • April/May 2025
  • November 2025

Ask the expert - Webinars

If you are a publishing professional or interested in learning more about accessibility, this type of event format is a unique opportunity to engage with experts in the accessibility field and ask them questions on specific topics. Each “Ask the Expert” event is a one-hour webinar, allowing participants to explore a specific topic in-depth and pose questions to the experts. During registration, participants are encouraged to submit in advance questions related to the event topic.


APACE (Accelerating Publishing Accessibility through Collaboration in Europe) is a medium-scale cooperation project co-funded in the framework of the Creative Europe programme for a duration of 24 months (January 2024 – December 2025).

The APACE network aims to enhance the capacity of the European publishing industry in the accessibility field, filling the current gap of competences and creating a new generation of professional experts. In order to uncover possible challenges and discuss possible solutions, it organizes a number of online and in person events.

Stabsbereich Europäische und Internationale Angelegenheiten

Kristina Kramer Stellvertretende Direktorin für europäische und internationale Angelegenheiten

Telefon +49 30 28 00 783 41
Fax +49 30 28 00 783 50

22. August 2024

Buch meets Game

Zur Gamescom in Köln bietet der Börsenverein wieder eine Veranstaltung an.

05. September - 06. September 2024

Jahrestagung der IG unabhängige Verlage

Die unabhängigen Verlage im Börsenverein treffen sich zu Diskussionen, Austausch und Workshops.

11. September 2024

Ask the Expert – Webinar

The new accessibility features of Adobe InDesign