Initiativen des Börsenvereins und der Stiftung Buchkultur und Leseförderung des Börsenvereins

Eine Übersicht der Projekt-Webseiten des Börsenvereins des Deutschen Buchhandels und der Stiftung Buchkultur und Leseförderung des Börsenvereins des Deutschen Buchhandels.


Long Live Literature. Long Live Europe! – The European Union Prize For Literature Turns 15

Join us for a panel discussion celebrating winning authors and their stories - and the 15th anniversary of the European Union Prize for Literature (EUPL).
16. Oktober 2024




Mittwoch, 16.10.2024
14-15 Uhr


Frankfurt Pavilion (Agora)



Our panel will feature four EUPL authors who will present their books and thus open a window to the various literary landscapes of Europe. Their discussions will reveal how each book, each story reflects its own cultural context while creating a bond that connects us all.
Participating authors:
Gaea Schoeters (Belgium), Todor Todorov (Bulgaria), Deniz Utlu (Germany), Tina Vrščaj (Slovenia)

Moderator: Thomas Böhm (radioeins)
Guest: Barbara Gessler, Head of Representation, European Commission in Germany

Don’t miss this opportunity to meet the authors and to learn more about the Prize: The EUPL recognizes outstanding literary works from emerging European fiction authors, aiming to introduce them to a broader, international audience. By recognizing and promoting literature that transcends borders, bridging diverse experiences and narratives, the prize fosters cultural exchange and enriches our collective understanding of Europe.

After the panel you are invited to toast to EUPL’s 15th anniversary at the European Commission stand!

The event is organized by the Federation of European Publishers (FEP), the European and International Booksellers Federation (EIBF), Börsenverein des Deutschen Buchhandels, and the European Commission.

The European Union Prize for Literature is co-funded by the European Union.

Stabsbereich Europäische und Internationale Angelegenheiten

Kristina Kramer Stellvertretende Direktorin für europäische und internationale Angelegenheiten

Telefon +49 30 28 00 783 41
Fax +49 30 28 00 783 50

14. Oktober 2024

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